Starfinder smoke grenade. Starfinder Alien Archive 4 p. Starfinder smoke grenade

 Starfinder Alien Archive 4 pStarfinder smoke grenade <b>p BRC )</b>

Player > Weapon > Grenades > Shock grenade I. This name generator will give you 10 names for streets, boulevards and other similar paths. These are modifications to your body that give you special abilities and bonuses. 0–5. ; Critical — Capacity drawn Bulk L; Special explode (blinded 1d6 rounds; 15 ft. Ability Scores Character Advancement Health and Resolve Alignment. Smoke grenade. If you're within a Smoke Grenade, controller users (and most. Now if your total attack roll is -13 (throwing at maximum range increment, non-proficiency, negative strength, 0 BAB. SMOKE GRENADE +8 (No damage. A grenade scrambler affects only grenades whose item level is equal to or lower than its own level. ”. Grenades are thrown weapons that detonate in an explosive. ) are sold preloaded. Necro Grenade, Mk 1 Source Starfinder Dead Suns Adventure Path pg. A decoupler grenade produces a dense cloud of dark nanites. Combat normally takes place on a battle map with a grid of 1-inch squares, each representing a 5-foot-by-5-foot area, with miniature figures representing characters and monsters. Stickybomb Grenade,. Creatures caught in its radius must succeed at a Reflex save (DC = 10 + half the weapon's item level + your Dexterity bonus) or get caught in the filaments. Fields of Study; Theorems; Envoy. Armor. 178 Level 8; Price 1,380 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 3d6. Starfinder's system tells science fantasy well, in that it's mechanics are techie and detailed, more so than more narrative rulesets. I didn't even know this was a thing until recently. ), mire 2d4 rounds Web Grenade, Mk 3 Source Starfinder Armory pg. Technology is everywhere in Starfinder, and includes any number of devices useful to adventurers, such as those presented on Table 7–26: Technological Items. ) Stickybomb Grenade, Mk 2 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 178 Level 4; Price 320 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 1d10 So; Range 20 ft. Creatures that fail their save against a concussion grenade are knocked prone. Player > Weapon > Grenades > Shock grenade I. Smoke grenades are generally more complex and emit a far larger amount of smoke than. Grenades are thrown weapons that detonate in an explosive radius when they reach the target. Lumocantha dye can be weaponized easily. The following descriptions give details about the most common conditions. 39 Level 2; Price 185 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20 ft. A cluster weapon is a form of grenade launcher that can fire a single grenade or (if loaded with appropriate grenades) can expend two identical grenades as a single attack. View Cart; Help; Pathfinder . Most player characters and many monsters occupy a single 5-foot square, though some bigger creatures occupy multiple squares. So the comparison is more a level 9 weapon with 2-3 fusions vs a level 10 weapon (with the level 10 being more expensive). Whether you are skimming through space aboard a mercenary vessel, attending a diplomatic meeting on a space station, or descending to a planet's surface to explore, armor provides you with protection against attacks and hostile environments. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts immediately on your turn. Crafted using strange metals ejected by the sun and infused with magic from the Plane of Fire, solar flare grenades unleash the power of a star. Spell Grenade (Sp) Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Summoning grenades come in the following types. These unusual gunpowder bombs, typically marked with a symbol of a four-pointed star on their outer surface, explode outward in the shape of a cross. Player > Weapon > Grenades > Frag grenade II. The creatures to be summoned are set when the grenade is created, so you know what you’re getting when you buy, presupposing a. To me, that would be 10 level 1 grenades, or 5 level 2 grenades, or 3 level 3 grenades, 2 level 4/5 grenades, or just one level 6/7/8/9/10 grenade. Yes smoke grenade with the legendary aspect making it a trap activates all things having to do with traps. Military grade smoke grenades really don't hamper your breathing (well, ok if you are standing right next to it and huffing the smoke). Cover, not total cover. However, consider if you even want to take it in the first place. The US military is getting its first new hand grenade in 40 years as engineers at ARDEC work on a safer multi-purpose design. BRAWLING +10 (3d6, ROF 2. From StarfinderWiki. Three-dimensional volumes are most often needed to define areas and effects. Unless otherwise indicated, activating or deactivating an item is a standard action. 184. If you score a critical hit, it applies only to the creature closest to the targeted intersection (you choose the creature if several are equally close). Armor is usually the easiest and most cost-effective way for creatures to protect themselves. Stickybomb Grenade A stickybomb grenade detonates with a splash of adhesive resin. When a solar flare grenade explodes, it sends out a lash of plasma. If an affected grenade’s level is at least 5 levels lower than the grenade scrambler’s, it automatically misses. 122 Level 7; Price 900 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20. ; Critical — Capacity. Loading a single grenade into a grenade launcher is a move action. ago. It also basically refunds itself with the enhanced smokebomb upgrade plus the trap mastery. To use grenades or other throwables, you’ll first want to open your Inventory, navigate to Throwables, and then select the explosive you wish to equip - a small white tag in the top left corner. The Starfarer’s Arsenal is a line of short pdfs offering a single weapon, from item level 1-20. Shock grenade I. A flying creature caught in the blast is affected as if by the trip combat maneuver if it fails its save, descending 10 feet and becoming prone if this causes. Yeah, a lot of the grenades have their uses, granting cover/concealment with smoke or dealing with targets in cover. Ysoki can store up to 1 cubic foot of items weighing up to 1 bulk in total in their cheek pouches [. If you take a full action, you can’t take your usual standard, move, and swift actions. Join. Thankfully it grants for the whole line of weapons and so you can get a full line of launchers (go for cluster) and you don't waste proficiency and feats on a lot of weapons you won't ever use like singularity cannons or stormcallers. For instance, after the grenades are introduced, they can just use analog weapons. 40×46 mm LV (low velocity) is a NATO-standard high–low grenade launcher cartridge meant for hand-held grenade launchers, such as the M79, M203, Milkor MGL, and Heckler & Koch AG36. Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 184. Includes one each inert replica of the following: Ammunition […]The Smoke Grenade is a criminally underrated Tactical grenade. Grenades One-Handed Weapons Special Weapons. Cover is +4 to AC, it doesn't stop the attack outright. Do you think experimental explosives mechanic explosives could be crafted into explosives…Code Grenade SFS Note: The code grenades information table was omitted; it is published below Code grenades are technomagical weapons designed to attack technology with an incessant worm program and garbage coding, using the same port technology necessary for the targets to interface with living beings. The “areas” of many effects are given as cubes to make it easy to model irregular or three-dimensional shapes. If effects can’t combine, apply the most severe effect. 106 Level 1; Price 250 Capacity 20; Usage 5/round Hands —; Bulk 1 DescriptionScreamer Grenade, Mk 1 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. This lasts until the dye is removed, usually by changing armor or clothing or by spending 1d4 hours cleaning off the stain. Frag Grenade, Mk 1 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Level: 1. Changing your grip on a weapon, such as going from wielding a two-handed weapon with both hands to holding it in one hand, is a swift action. Obscures vision 10 m/yds x 10 m/yds for 1 minute. Grenade scrambler, mk 1. Grenade Mastery (Combat) Source Character Operations Manual pg. Once installed, they become a part of your body and generally can’t be affected. The cloud functions as fog cloud, filling an area equal to twice the bomb’s splash radius for 1 round per level. Another factor to consider is that the grenade launcher loads a certain number and these don’t. Wonder grenade (Hybrid) Starfinder Armory p. Capacity: Drawn. • 1 mo. Summoning Grenade The explosion a summoning grenade generates is a reality-warping field that summons creatures as if you had cast a summon creature spell of a spell level and caster level according to the grenade’s type. You'd need at least a crit on a frag grenade mk 3 (which does 4d6 P) and an average damage roll to destroy mk1 frags. Incendiary Grenade, Mk 4 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Does anyone know if a heavy weapon. 31. It’s a dangerous galaxy, and a smart explorer knows that the difference between success and failure—or even life and death— may be the equipment you have at the ready. 181. 5-s delay time. Capacity: Drawn. Summoned creatures treat you as their summoner. Kasathas who turn to crime, as well as those who value anonymity, sometimes wear masks that conceal their identities. my calculations for a level 8 mech grenade launcher, any combination of grenades would not be able to exceed 8 + 2 = 10. Capacity: Drawn Bulk: L Special: Explode (2d6 P, 15 ft. Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. "Some grenades have additional effects, such as blinded or entangled, that apply only to creatures in the explosion that fail a Reflex save against the grenade. Price: 250. Each character who inhales smoke must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw each round (DC = 15 + 1 per previous check) or spend that round choking and coughing; he can do nothing else. How BFV forced medics to have smoke grenades was honestly a genius design decision. The M76 Infrared (IR) Screening Smoke Grenade is used to provide an IR and visual smoke screening capability for armored/tactical vehicles. (2) Filler. Equipment. -- Misidentifying a grenade can have disastrous consequences, even if the grenade just produces smoke. Find the answers to the most frequently asked Starfinder questions, along with rules changes to keep your Starfinder game on the cutting edge!. The Limning weapon fusion will outline anyone through smoke. 166. A battle map is typically divided into a grid of 1-inch squares, each of which represents a 5-foot-by-5-foot area. Example: Starfinder Revised Grenades. -4 when attempting to accomplish a task when obscured). BRAWLING +10 (3d6, ROF 2. Level Required 5. Starfinder Enhanced! 25 new grenade types! and it's not just a bunch of new damage types, there are even grenades that can heal now, or give haste/slow, disarm anyone holding metal objects, cause area damage that continues for 1d4 rounds, anti swarm grenade allows for single target attack to work against the swarm. Combat normally takes place on a battle map with a grid of 1-inch squares, each representing a 5-foot-by-5-foot area, with miniature figures representing characters and monsters. Starjammer SRD; Home. Normally, the miss chance for concealment is 20%. So not stop, just harder to hit. ; Critical — Capacity drawn Bulk L; Special explode (staggered; 10 ft. Which may seem odd considering that you're targeting a grid intersection, but them's the rules I think. Cold Dangers Cold and exposure deal nonlethal damage to the victim. If this reduction drops the remaining duration to 0 or less, the effect ends. 178 Level 8; Price 1,380 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 3d6. Vargras. ) Frag Grenade, Mk 5 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 179 Level 14; Price 10,500 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 6d12 E; Range 20. Special: Explode (10 ft. Conditions. 178 Level 8; Price 1,340 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 2d10 So; Range 20 ft. 122 Level 12; Price 12,500 Hands 1; Proficiency GrenadeDescription. Bulk: L. Sep 22, 2017, 08:23 am. Level: 2. In a normal round, you can perform one standard action, one move. Shock grenade V: 20: 110000: 20 ft. Advanced melee weapons are divided into one-handed and two-handed weapons. Combustion products include polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, polynuclear organic materials, carbon dioxide. 42. ) Cryo Grenade, Mk 3 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Starfinder's focus on positioning makes it a good idea to keep a couple types of grenades at hand. Prerequisites: Proficiency with grenades. ) Screamer Grenade, Mk 3 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 39. I wonder as I don't know much about crafting persay. ; Critical — Capacity drawn Bulk L; Special explode (1d8 E; 15 ft. Here at /r/Shadowrun we talk shop about all things in the shadows. This has no effect if the target is immune to disease. Level: 4 Price: 675 Range: 20 ft. Level: 4 Price: 700 Range: 20 ft. Your Armor Class (AC) represents how hard it is for opponents to land a solid damaging blow on you. FAQ. Shadow Step for mobility or to remove CC. FORT JACKSON, S. 39. Frag Grenade, Mk 1 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. ; Critical — Capacity drawn Bulk L; Special explode (entangled 2d4 rounds; 20 ft. When you select a feat for your character, it can represent advanced training, an arcane ability gained from a strange machine on an abandoned. This weapon can leach life force from a target, draining its vitality and leaving it feeling unsteady. Casting a spell with spell grenade uses the spell’s standard casting time, and throwing the spell grenade is a standard action. ; Critical — Capacity drawn Bulk L; Special explode (2d10 So; deafened 1d4 minutes; 20 ft. Charge Charging is a full action that allows you to move up to double your speed and make a melee attack at the end of the. Combined with stealth, you could throw one to cover/stagger ranged ennemies, sprint to them under stealth, and then break it by attacking them at very close range. 122 Level 1; Price 50 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20. The cartridges are not interchangeable. Grenade Scrambler, Mk 3 Source Starfinder Armory pg. Some exploding weapons, such as smoke grenades, don't deal damage, so they don't include. IWA's lineup of civilian. Player > Weapon > Grenades > Stickybomb grenade I. Price: 40. Some exploding weapons, such as smoke grenades, don’t deal damage, so they don’t include the damage and damage type entries. The rules for movement and positions work best when keeping track of positions using a battle map and miniatures. Starfinder Core Rulebook Estimated Release Date: 8/17/2017 Product Line:. Starknife. Player > Weapon > Grenades > Concussion grenade, mk 1 Concussion grenade, mk 1. . 179 Level 12; Price 4,300 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 5d6 F; Range 20 ft. Price: 2500. ] Ysoki - Cheek Pouches, Starfinder SRD. Before being thrown by hand, the grenade must be primed with a quick twist of a dial at one end and then armed. Price: 135. m. 122. My main struggle with this is that I can use a smoke grenade to stop laser weapons of any lv. A decoupler grenade produces a dense cloud of dark nanites. Business, Economics, and Finance. JUMP BOOSTERS (Cyberlegs) = Negates movement penalties when jumping (can jump as high as you can run). Player > Weapon > Grenades > Smoke grenade. Thanks. The Saf-Smoke™ Grenade was designed for training, but may also be used in operations. This grenade has already been used. Creatures within the grenade’s area take the listed electricity and fire damage; each creature that succeeds. Hmm, is this person playing a Skald by any chance? If so, preventing him from using his Perform skill will resolve the issue. More advanced grenades create more dangerous microbots. Dropping off cargo wouldn't be an attack in my games, though your GM might disagree. 196 Armor is usually the easiest and most cost-effective way for creatures to protect themselves. Dye Grenade. ). comes up 20), you hit regardless of your target’s AC. Special: _Explode_ (smoke cloud 1 minute, 20 ft. There's also a 'road name generator' on this with names in a more fantasy themed style, which may be to your liking as well. You basically have a device that uses the blast to shred itself into tiny pieces and rip stuff apart compared to a bunch of explosives directed towards the stuff it. Regular rules for a grenade apply on a miss here. If your attack roll is a natural 1 (the d20 comes. It’s a dangerous galaxy, and a smart explorer knows that the difference between success and failure—or even life and death— may be the equipment you have at the ready. It feels designed for the genre, and makes tech stuff and starships mesh with magic and spells so they feel like they fit rather than feeling like part of the game was bolted on. Darkvision ( function in 100% darkness ) is also possible using thermal imaging ( even today )Disruption Grenade, Temporal SFS Note: Relics do not sell for full resale value, but can be sold for 50% of their value instead of 10%. Cryo Grenade, Mk 2 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Cast a 3 Puncture → 1 Twisting Blade rotation. I've found nothing addressing this in Corebook so far. Lumocantha dye can be weaponized easily. So I haven't seen this question asked before on here but I'm not trying to build a grenade as a main weapon build, just like having them. Smoke grenades do work both ways. ; Critical — Capacity drawn Bulk L; Special explode (smoke cloud 1 minute; 20 ft. Though scientists understand little about how a vracinea’s. Covering melee pawns is one use, as is closing on enemies to get to your optimum range, or debuffing Group A while you focus fire on Group B (who you can target without being affected by the smoke). S. Smoke Grenade. Range: 20 ft. There's still no direct counterpart to grenades here yet, except Fog Cloud for the Smoke Grenade. Grenades always target intersections, and hitting an intersection is always AC 5. Each creature that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10. (Starfinder Armory 29). 178 Level 6; Price 580 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 2d6 F; Range 20 ft. Special: Explode (10 ft. The Basics. 39 Level 2; Price 185 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20 ft. C. Description. Cook Grenade (Combat) You can pull the pin on a grenade and hold onto it until the last second before its detonation, making it harder to avoid. ; Critical — Capacity drawn Bulk L; Special explode (2d8 C; 15 ft. The modifications reduce the capacity of the grenade launcher or missile launcher by 50%, to a minimum of 1 grenade or missile. ) A stickybomb grenade detonates with a splash of adhesive resin. Yes. 178 Level 8; Price 1,340 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 2d10 So; Range 20 ft. What's up with Smoke Grenades? They only provide regular concealment despite producing a dense smoke, and instead of giving those outside the cloud concealment from those inside the cloud, it only goes the opposite way, rather than both. This week I’ve been thinking about in game economy and house rules. It's a party of 6, so I routinely give bonuses to named/solo foes and increase the number of mooks in. So I haven't seen this question asked before on here but I'm not trying to build a grenade as a main weapon build, just like having them. 178 Level 10; Price 2,350 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 2d8 C; Range 20 ft. Bulk: 1. . Starfinder Core Rulebook p. 178 Level 1; Price 35 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 1d6 P; Range 20 ft. )A grenade scrambler affects only grenades whose item level is equal to or lower than its own level. Since Penetrating Shot already has plenty of AoE damage to clear packs, Poison Imbuement is preferred over Shadow Imbuement for more single. Cybernetics. Starfinder Armory p. Starfinder's focus on positioning makes it a good idea to keep a couple types of grenades at hand. ) Screamer Grenade, Mk 2 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. The body has a sheet steel cylinder with four emission holes at the top and one at the bottom. After initial steps that begin a battle, every character acts in turn through a regular cycle of rounds until the combat ends. ; Critical. Cybernetic augmentations use machines and circuitry integrated with the flesh and bone of the recipient. 9 %free Downloads. In the Pact Worlds, manufacturing weapons is a lucrative business with guaranteed customers, ranging from law enforcement and private security operations to explorers, mercenaries, and less savory outfits. What are your favorite grenades as you level up? So obvious explanation first TLDR: Bombard Soldiers get 1 free grenade with 10min and I wanted to know what expiereince you guys have and what you like using. 184: Stickybomb grenade I: 1: 170: 20 ft. This has no effect if the target is immune to disease. Grenades are loaded individually, rather than in magazines. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 51 Level 1; Price 110 Hands 1; Proficiency GrenadeRiot Grenade, Mk 1 Source Starfinder Armory pg. Site Owner: Rose-Winds LLC (Blake Davis)Support United Paizo Workers! Click here for more details! Player Classes Biohacker. Creatures that fail their save against a concussion grenade are knocked prone. All three grenades, primarily constructed of cardboard with an arming ring and pop-off spoon, have a 2. Starfinder Core Rulebook p. 259, Starfinder #5: The Thirteenth Gate pg. Creatures within an area of dim light have concealment (20% miss. Smoke Grenade Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 184. The DC of the save is equal to 10+half the grenades item level+your (the thrower's) Dexterity modifier. Some grenades have additional effects, such as blinded or entangled, that apply only to creatures in the explosion radius that fail a Reflex save against the grenade. Or is the reflex save it and there is only one check for seeing if you take the special effect. Creatures in the area can attempt a Will save against this grenade rather than a Reflex save. Level: 10. Every 10 items that have light bulk count as 1 bulk, and fractions don’t count—so 10 items with light bulk have a total of 1 bulk, and 19 such items also have a total of 1 bulk. Turns it from 10 to 15 seconds. Level: 1 Price: 170 Range: 20 ft. Casting a spell with spell grenade uses the spell’s standard casting time, and throwing the spell. If its singing or chanting, throw a smoke grenade or something that will cause them to start. What's up with Smoke Grenades? They only provide regular concealment despite producing a dense smoke, and instead of giving those outside the cloud concealment from those inside the cloud, it only goes the opposite way, rather than both. With a thrown weapon or a grenade, you can make a ranged attack at a target that is within the weapon’s maximum range and in your line of effect (see page 271). Grenade on cooldown. Anyway, all physical things leave an astral shadow, and despite that fact that smoke is not solid, it is in fact made out of physical stuff, which just so happens to cast shadows on the astral. 127. Anyway, all physical things leave an astral shadow, and despite that fact that smoke is not solid, it is in fact made out of physical stuff, which just so happens to cast shadows on the astral. This should be represented by a target using reflex to save, that should effectively "flush" them from their cover, leaving them completely open to attack for at least a round. Level: 1 Price: 50 Range: 20 ft. , 10 ft. An 8th level grenade does 4d6 damage for 2560. Thank you Squiggit, Metaphisician and Pantshandshake! The Limning weapon fusion will outline anyone through smoke. A smoke grenade deals no damage; instead, it releases a cloud of dense. Or wade into melee, get that first hit, and keep them lit up until they die. 400 The following is a compilation of rules appropriate for use in a variety of environments. Bulk L. 248 A full action requires your entire turn to complete. More advanced grenades create more dangerous microbots. These abilities, called feats, represent specialized talents that can come from a wide range of possible sources. 179 Level 12; Price 5,200 Hands 1; Proficiency. Holy Water Grenade. Any penalty you take to your attack roll also. Grenades are loaded individually, rather than in magazines. For 35 credits. So in my game all smoke grenades do is block LOS and grant. ) Incendiary Grenade, Mk 2 Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Within that game, grenades are pretty expensive consumables anyway, so a power-up shouldn’t break the game even if it makes grenades more affective and appealing. 3 people marked this as a favorite. Dash 's cooldown is lowered when you go through CCed enemies. This lasts until the dye is removed, usually by changing armor or clothing or by spending 1d4 hours cleaning off the stain. A grenade is an explosive weapon typically thrown by hand (also called hand grenade ), but can also refer to a shell (explosive projectile) shot from the muzzle of a rifle (as a rifle grenade) or a grenade launcher. 178 Level 4; Price 310 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 2d6 P; Range 20 ft. 1: Weapon specialization specifically notes that "you can never have specialization in grenades". Capacity: Drawn Bulk: L Special: Explode (smoke cloud 1 minute, 20 ft. Creatures in the affected area can. This weapon can leach life force from a target, draining its vitality and leaving it feeling unsteady. And you ironically don't need proficiency in grenades to use the. Grenades and explode weapons crit, just as "precision damage" like trick attack also crit, and everything else normally added to damage. 178 Level 4; Price 290 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 1d12 E; Range 20 ft. Grenades Grenades are thrown weapons that detonate in an explosive radius when they. Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Level: 1 Price: 50 Range: 20 ft. Also, the rules for grenades on page 183 state that grenades are. Pacific (425) 250-0800. Drawn: L: Explode (entangled 2d4 rounds, 20 ft. they are negated with a successful saving throw. ), necrotic Necro Grenade, Mk 2 Source Starfinder Dead Suns Adventure Path pg. Up to 19 grenades. Grenades can create many different effects, from simple fragmentation explosions to loud concussive bangs, and from simple gaseous emissions to extreme localized temperature changes. 218. The M208 fuze provides an 8–12-s delay time and is used. Lumocantha dye can be weaponized easily. Capacity: Drawn Bulk: L Special: Explode (entangled 2d4 rounds, 15 ft. Gravity Grenade. Nimor. Creatures within the grenade’s area take the listed electricity and fire damage; each creature that succeeds. Solar flare grenade II (Hybrid) Starfinder Adventure Path #14: Soldiers of Brass (Dawn of Flame 2 of 6) p. 178 Level 4; Price 310 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage 2d6 P; Range 20 ft. Solid auras surround the blades of a dimensional slice starknife, which are manufactured with cutting-edge metallurgic. ; Critical — Capacity. Frag grenade I. It’s been ages, but here’s the second to last batch of all the. Since that's a critical hit effect it applies only when the person throwing the grenade (or firing the grenade launcher) rolls a 20 and it's a hit. Price: 250. Atom Grenade: Creates a 20-foot-radius area of medium radiation that persists for 24 hours. Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Foam Grenade, Mk 2 Source Starfinder Armory pg. Thermal vision counteracts the effects of smoke grenades, so if you have Thermal 45% on your goggles/helmet then firing at range into Smoke which normally would penalize you 80% THC will only penalize you 35% THC. 273. A stickybomb grenade detonates with a splash of adhesive resin.